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Top 10 Ways to Start Learning Vietnamese

Top 10 Ways to Start Learning Vietnamese

Learning a language takes some serious dedication. And that’s why you find yourself asking this question of “how long does it take to be fluent in Vietnamese?”.

In this post, I’ll tell you how long it will take you to learn Vietnamese according to the language experts and how you can shorten that proces

1 = 5 – The First Rule of Memorization

Did you know that the average person is able to memorize five (5) new words daily? Using that same principle, if you were to apply it to learning Vietnamese words on a regular basis, you would be able to remember 60 Vietnamese words every month. To keep track of how many words you’ve learned so far, simply write them down on a sheet of paper.

2. Write It Down – The Second Rule of Memorization

Go ahead and write down the words you are trying to memorize in your native language, then use the Vietnamese word next to it for reference. If you want to take this step even further, draw pictures that represent each Vietnamese word. Believe it or not, but your brain will begin to remember words much easier when you use drawings to visualize the meaning.

3. Use Your Senses – The Third Rule of Memorization

If you are trying to remember a Vietnamese word about food for example, try thinking about the taste or smell of whatever it is that you are trying to memorize. It doesn’t matter if your idea of tasting something involves using your senses other than taste either (sight & touch). Remembering one word this way will trigger an entire cluster of words that are closely related in both their written and spoken form.

4. Say It Out Loud – The Fourth Rule of Memorization

When you’re studying vocabulary at home, always try reading words out loud whenever possible. At first, you may feel a bit silly saying something out loud that doesn’t have any meaning to you yet, but trust me it will help. You should also force yourself to say each word as many times as possible during the day, especially if you keep forgetting them.

5. Say It In Your Head – The Fifth Rule of Memorization

I’m sure this one is a no-brainer, but always try to think about the words you are trying to memorize in your head – even when you don’t have pens or paper around. Not only does this provide extra practice for both visualizing and speaking what you’ve just seen/heard, but it helps improve your concentration as well. This technique can be used anywhere at anytime!

6. Say It With Your Body – The Sixth Rule of Memorization

Did you know that your body is in tune with everything you think about? If this sounds familiar, then you may already be aware of the power behind visualization. That’s right, I’m talking about using your imagination to help memorize words by seeing how they are used in context or getting into character when speaking what you are trying to remember. Not only does this technique improve your understanding of proper pronunciation, but it also helps build confidence while learning any subject… not just vocabulary!

7. Keep Up With New Vocabulary Daily – The Seventh Rule of Memorization

If you want to become a better learner overall, make sure to always surround yourself with new vocabulary on a daily basis. The easiest way to do this is by opening up your preferred electronic dictionary and just looking through some words that you’ve never seen before. Soon after, try writing them down (or saying them out loud) and practice them as much as possible throughout the day. This will get your brain in shape for memorizing new words… even when you don’t have anything else to work on!

8. Teach Others – The Eighth Rule of Memorization

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to learn Vietnamese or not, teaching what you’ve learned always makes it easier for anyone to remember new information. If someone asks about something that’s on your mind, answer their question then turn it into teachable moment by explaining why you answered the way you did. Not only will you be surprised by how much more information sticks with you after teaching someone else, but it also works extremely well for memorizing Vietnamese vocabulary as well!

9. Get Inspired – The Ninth Rule of Memorization

If there’s one thing that helps improve learning, it’s passion and motivation. Whenever things feel a bit too boring or repetitive, try looking through other people’s work and brainstorming new ideas to help reach your goals. Also take this time to look at images or listen to songs that evoke specific feelings so you can connect those memories with words as well. This will turn learning into playtime where everything you’re learning is captivating and fun!

10. Make It Fun – The Tenth Rule of Memorization

Last but not least, have fun with what you’re doing! If learning vocabulary in another language is about as exciting as watching paint dry, then something needs to change… and fast. Remember back when you were a child and learning was beautiful? The best way to tap into that inner child is by playing silly games or coming up with new ways to learn things so they never become dull or boring. You can even try picking out your favorite songs for each new vocabulary word you memorize…just be sure to play it every time you review them so you won’t forget! Incorporating these rules into your learning will help improve comprehension and retention while creating new memories along the way. As always, happy learning folks!

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